Performance Snapshot: While equities have been strong through September, so too have bonds. In fact, all domestic fixed income sectors have outperformed the S&P 500 since 10/1/2018. Sector Summary: US Treasuries: A bounce back in stocks and diminishing headline risk caused a move out of US Treasuries, causing prices to decline and yields to… Read more »
The Macro View
What was the last situation where you made an emotional decision only to regret it almost immediately? Did you trust your gut on a “shortcut” and get stuck in traffic instead of just listening to Waze? Did you hit your driver and try to carry the hazard instead of laying-up with a 6-iron? Did you really go into Target convinced you’d spend less than $100 this time? Well, we’re human beings and that’s what… Read more »
We have started working on our 4th quarter 2018 Market Commentary that will be published in the first two weeks of January. However, we wanted to share some thoughts prior to the holidays to help you better understand the recent market volatility to ease any fears you may have and so that if the… Read more »
US Treasuries – The 10-year treasury reached its peak closing yield thus far in 2018 on November 8. However, ongoing equity market volatility driven by trade concerns, coupled with more dovish language from Fed Chair Jerome Powell reversed the upward trend in interest rates as the month drew to a close. The spread between… Read more »
Conservative investors have historically invested in dividend-paying stocks to generate income and increase stability in their portfolios. The ability of these companies to pay a dividend is viewed as a sign of current financial strength and a forward-looking sign of positive expectations for growth and earnings, a perfectly reasonable assumption. However, many investors make… Read more »