The Macro View

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  The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, a wide ranging fiscal relief package aimed at helping Americans confront the economic challenges brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, contains a series of unprecedented maneuvers including the much discussed stimulus check provision and the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP).  While these two features of the… Read more »

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  Over the last 8 weeks the world has changed.   The exact changes are not yet known but certain probabilities that impact long-term financial planning have shifted.   We believe these changes have made ROTH conversions a more important strategy than ever for young savers looking to reduce their future tax burden and for older savers looking to maximize wealth transfers to their kids…. Read more »

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Performance Snapshot: TICKER SECTOR Jan-20 IEF TREASURIES 3.47% LQD CORPORATES 2.45% AGG BARCLAYS AGG 2.03% MUB MUNICIPALS 1.66% HYG HIGH YIELD -0.47% Sector Summary: US Treasuries: Treasury bonds kicked off 2020 with a strong rally in prices as global uncertainty escalated from dormant levels. Significant headline risk caused a volatile month for stocks, leading investors to… Read more »

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Performance Snapshot: TICKER SECTOR Dec-19 YTD 2019 LQD CORPORATES 0.53% 17.37% HYG HIGH YIELD 1.91% 14.09% AGG BARCLAYS AGG -0.05% 8.46% IEF TREASURIES -0.93% 8.03% MUB MUNICIPALS 0.26% 7.06% Sector Summary: US Treasuries: The downtrend in Treasury bond prices continued into December as global equities and risk assets rallied strongly into the close of 2019. Treasury… Read more »